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What to Do If You Can’t Afford a Bookkeeper

As much as we all want to get bookkeeping off our plates, let’s face it, running a business is expensive, and sometimes hiring a bookkeeper just isn’t in the budget. But don’t worry, managing your finances on your own is totally doable with a bit of organization and the right

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How to Manage Anxiety as a Business Owner

If you follow me on social media, you know that I’ve been suffering from some pretty intense anxiety over the last few months. I’m not going to lie, it f&$@ing sucks, and it makes owning a business even harder. If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve felt that gnawing sense

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How to Know if You Need a Bookkeeper: Key Signs to Look For

Managing finances is one of the most critical yet challenging aspects, especially as your business grows. When the complexity of your financial tasks increases and it starts to feel like your drowning, it’s time to reach out for a rescue. Because it’s essential to maintain accurate records and stay compliant

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How to Score that Grant for your Business

Last week I detailed 7 Grants for Women-Owned Business, so you know there are opportunities out there for free mulah for your business. Now I want to talk about HOW you get that money, and that’s going to involve writing a killer grant proposal. Because let’s be real – the

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Free Money! 7 Grants for Women Business Owners

Starting and growing a business is soooooo freakin’ hard sometimes, y’all know this. But remember, you don’t have to do it all by yourself (even if you are a solopreneur). There are several grants out there designed to give women business owners the financial boost they need to succeed. Let’s

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5 Essential Tips to Avoid a Tax Audit

There’s no two ways about it – filing your taxes is stressful all on its own, but the looming threat of an audit and/or penalties takes it to a whole other level. While there’s no surefire way to guarantee you’ll never be audited, there are certain steps you can take

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All About Cash Flow Projections

Hey, trailblazing women entrepreneurs! Today, we’re diving into cash flow projections. First things first, what the heck does that mean? Simply put, cash flow projections are estimates of how much cash your business expects to receive and spend over a specific period, typically a month, quarter, or year. By forecasting

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