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3 Ways to Reduce Overwhelm

I’m not going to go into how we as women have so much expectation and pressure on us – both societally and self-imposed. I won’t go into how we all feel like we have to be everything to everyone and still try to be a person of our own. We’ve

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What Can I write Off?

Last week I talked about what “writing something off” actually means – particularly that it doesn’t mean FREE money from the government. 🙂  So what are the business expenses that will reduce your tax liability? Legal and accounting fees – the people who do your books and your taxes help

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What Does Tax Deductible Really Mean?

I hope I’m not the first one to break this news – I try to avoid p*ss*ng in people’s cornflakes if I can – but it’s important to understand that “tax deductible” doesn’t mean “free.” It doesn’t mean the government pays you dollar for dollar for any business expense your

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A good bookkeeper vs. a great bookkeeper

Bookkeepers come in all shapes and sizes, colors, genders, educational and cultural backgrounds, and corners of the world. But we all fall into one of three categories: bad bookkeepers, decent bookkeepers, and f’ing bananapants amazing bookkeepers. Okay, so maybe that’s a little too black and white, because many of us

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The #1 Life Hack that Improved my Work/Life Balance

We all strive for work life balance, right? But that looks different for everyone. And when you own a business, you’re going to be excited about it. Obsessed with it, even. And that can feel great! Maybe even a little addicting. But it can also lead to the dreaded “B-word”:

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8 Ways To Avoid Getting Scammed By your Bookkeeper

I don’t know about you, but I became obsessed with Inventing Anna on Netflix, the story of a fake German heiress who scammed super wealthy people (who “should have known better”) out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. The complexity of her mind was what fascinated me, and it led

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When Should I Hire a Bookkeeper?

I’ve gotten this question a lot lately in networking with small business owners. Women wanting to know when it’s time to outsource their books, looking for a specific financial milestone as to when to make the jump from doing their own finances in Excel to hiring a bonafide bookkeeper. Unfortunately,

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