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From Quickbooks set up and cleanup to monthly services to advising, we’ve got you covered.

Read below to find out more about what we offer and what you can expect from working with us!

Things To Know

Cleanup & Catch Up

(for Monthly Clients)

If your books are a hot mess, or if you don’t have books at all yet, we’ll get you up and running with no judgment.


Included in your Cleanup
(for Monthly Clients)

2 advisory sessions which will:

  • Review the overall health of your business
  • Teach you a simple bucket system to utilize in order to pay yourself, save for taxes, cover your operating expenses, and have BONUS money.
  • Answer questions like, when can I afford to hire? Can I afford some new equipment?
  • Help you set goals and long-term plans based not just on your numbers, but on what excites you!
  • Show you how to prepare for tax season
  • Advise you on how to get ready to seek investors or apply for loans.
  • Have the information you need to make business decisions that also feel good in your soul


Lifetime access to the Bookkeeping: Beyond the Boring bundle

After your advisory sessions, you can choose to book more at an additional cost or utilize the easy-to-follow lessons to do some simple calculations to help you make great business decisions.

Setup & Train

For those who want to DIY their monthly bookkeeping, but need a little help to get started. There’s nothing better than that sigh of relief as you hand off something you’re nervous about or dreading doing! We will:

Monthly Services

Each month, we will:

Annual Services
(for Monthly Clients)

Tax season can be so stressful! And even though we do not provide tax services, here’s how we help you sleep better during tax season:

  • Make sure your books are squeaky clean so the information provided to your tax preparer are accurate.
  • Coordinate with your tax preparer to ensure they have everything they need to file your taxes, with minimal interaction required on your part.
  • On top of your regular financial reports, we’ll provide them with a tax mapping spreadsheet from your books to tax form fields.
  • Complimentary gathering of contractor W9’s as well as 1099 filings.
  • Overview and analysis of your year beyond the normal reports to give you a clear picture of your business finances and how to use your numbers to make better decisions.

What People Say About Us...

As a new business owner, I have benefited immensely from Kaela's services. She is so thoughtful and tailors her work to my particular needs. I would definitely recommend her to anyone else looking for a bookkeeper!
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Sarah Connor,
Owner, Maison Green
Kaela has been an amazing addition to my business! She has really helped me see my business from different angles which has helped me make decisions about where to spend money (or not!) and make sure I'm paying myself. I appreciate her understanding of the challenges of growing a small business. I feel like she really gets it and wants to see me succeed. She has helped me see all of the wins I have already achieved and pushed me to continue building towards my vision and goals. Highly recommend Kaela!
Emily A. Piazza
Owner, Nourished Journey Nutrition
When I hired Kaela I assumed I would hear from her 1x a year before taxes and know nothing about my books. It's been over a year working with her and I can't say enough good things! Being a new business owner is stressful and NOT having to worry about my books is so relieving!
Robyn Linscott
Owner, Dust Busta Cleaning