At the end of last week’s post about how to know when you’re financially ready to quit your day job to pursue your side business full-time (or, livin’ the dream, as many of us say), I tossed in a little nugget at the end about getting in the right financial mindset. You can have all the budgets and plans in the world, but if your mindset ain’t right, you’re going to stumble into roadblock after roadblock after road block.
So how do you know if your mindset is tight or if it needs a tune-up? Well, as always, I’ll tell ya.
You Have Negative Thoughts About Money: Duh, right? But negative thoughts about money, such as “Money is the root of all evil” or “I’ll never be wealthy,” can sabotage your ability to attract financial abundance. If you catch yourself harboring these negative beliefs, it’s a sign that your money mindset may need adjusting. When you find yourself thinking something negative about money, write it down, because that’s a block you’re going to have to work through.
You Feel Guilty or Ashamed About Wealth: Do you feel guilty or ashamed about desiring wealth? Many people – especially women, have deep-seated beliefs that equate wealth with greed or selfishness. (Quick, try to think of some portrayal of a wealthy woman who wasn’t also a completely miserable person. I’ll wait.)
You Struggle to Receive Money: Difficulty receiving money or feeling unworthy of wealth is another indication of a limiting money mindset. This could be as simple as rejecting compliments or turning down opportunities for financial gain.
You Sabotage Your Financial Success: Have you ever noticed yourself self-sabotaging when it comes to your finances? This could take the form of overspending, procrastinating on money-related tasks, or avoiding opportunities for growth and prosperity. These behaviors often stem from subconscious beliefs that you don’t deserve wealth or that it’s not safe to be financially successful.
You Focus on Lack Rather Than Abundance: A scarcity mindset is characterized by a focus on lack and limitation rather than abundance and possibility. It’s normal to worry that you’re never going to have enough, but if you’re constantly dwelling on how far you have to go rather than focusing on how far you’ve come, you’re putting out that signal of lack to the universe, and that’s what’s going to keep showing up for you.
You Associate Money with Stress or Struggle: Do you believe that making money has to be hard work or that financial success inevitably leads to stress and unhappiness? If so, that’s going to keep you from even pursuing the wealth that you want.
You Compare Yourself to Others: Constantly comparing your financial situation to others can breed feelings of envy, inadequacy, or resentment. Instead of celebrating others’ success, you may feel discouraged or demotivated by their achievements.
You Lack Clarity and Purpose: Clarity and purpose are essential ingredients for manifesting what you want, including financial abundance. If you’re unclear about your financial goals or lack a sense of purpose behind your desire for wealth, it can be challenging to manifest the resources you need to achieve them.Listen, your money mindset is never going to be perfect. It’s all about our beliefs, attitudes, and actions. Even the best manifestors in the world have doubts and things they constantly have to work on. But that’s the key, you have to be willing to work on them. And next week, I’ll give you some tips on how to do that!