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Building a Supportive Network: How to Find and Nurture Mentors, Peers, and Support Groups

I’ve talked about the importance of networking before, but a refresh can’t hurt. As women, we often hear how important it is to have a “support network”—a group of people who encourage us, challenge us, and push us to achieve our goals. But let’s be real—building that network isn’t always easy, especially when life is already jam-packed with work, family, and personal commitments.

The good news? You don’t have to go it alone! Whether you’re looking to level up in your career, start a business, or just find people who “get you,” a strong network of mentors, peers, and support groups can make all the difference.

So, how do you build and nurture these valuable relationships? Let’s dive in.

Start with Mentors: Finding Your Guiding Lights

A mentor is someone who’s been where you are and can offer insight, advice, and encouragement based on their own experiences. They’ve walked the path and are willing to help light the way for you. Sounds amazing, right? But how do you actually find a mentor?

Tips for Finding a Mentor:

  • Look in your current circle. You may already have people in your life who are informally acting as mentors—bosses, colleagues, or even friends. Sometimes, all it takes is asking, “Would you be open to mentoring me?”
  • Attend industry events or workshops. Conferences, seminars, or even virtual events are great places to meet professionals who could potentially mentor you. Strike up a conversation and don’t be afraid to follow up.
  • Use professional networks. Platforms like LinkedIn or alumni networks can be gold mines for connecting with mentors. You can reach out to people whose work or careers you admire and ask for a coffee chat or informational interview.

Remember, mentorship doesn’t always need to be formal. Some of the best mentors provide guidance organically through shared experiences and regular conversations.

Connect with Peers: Your Allies in the Journey

Sometimes, the best support comes from people who are right there with you in the trenches—your peers. These are the women who are navigating similar challenges, learning alongside you, and cheering each other on. Peer relationships can be incredibly powerful because they’re based on mutual understanding.

How to Build Peer Connections:

  • Join professional organizations. Whether it’s a women’s business group or an industry-specific association, these spaces are designed for connection. Start attending meetings or join a committee to meet other like-minded women.
  • Collaborate, don’t compete. In some industries, it can feel like there’s a competition between women, but true power comes from collaboration. Reach out to peers for advice, share resources, or even team up on projects.
  • Attend networking events—even virtually. You don’t need to be in the same physical space to connect meaningfully with peers. Virtual meetups, webinars, and workshops are great ways to meet new people who share your goals and challenges. In my case, I found my business bestie through another person I networked with through a cold reach out. You never know where your best connections are going to come from!

Building these peer connections is about finding people who “get it”—women who are at a similar stage in their careers or personal lives and who are willing to offer mutual support.

Find Your Tribe: The Power of Support Groups

Support groups—whether formal or informal—are all about creating a safe space where you can share struggles, successes, and strategies for personal and professional growth. These groups can range from business mastermind groups to women’s empowerment circles.

How to Find or Create a Support Group:

  • Look for established groups. From Facebook groups to local meetups, there are countless support groups for women focused on everything from entrepreneurship to mental health. Search online or ask around in your community. That’s all it took for me to find the Vermont Womenpreneurs group, and that group has been a game changer for me!
  • Start your own circle. Sometimes, the group you need doesn’t exist—yet. Consider starting a small mastermind or support group with friends or colleagues. You could meet monthly over coffee (or Zoom) to discuss goals, celebrate wins, and offer support through challenges.
  • Get involved in communities that align with your goals. If you’re a woman entrepreneur, find a group of other female entrepreneurs. If you’re balancing career and family, look for groups centered around that experience. The key is finding people who share your values and goals.

Support groups foster a sense of belonging, and they can be a crucial source of encouragement when the going gets tough.

Nurture the Relationships You Build

Once you’ve started building your network, it’s essential to keep those relationships strong. Just like any relationship, mentorships and peer connections need attention and care to grow.

How to Nurture Your Network:

  • Be consistent. Stay in touch with your mentors and peers. This doesn’t mean constant communication, but sending an occasional “checking in” message or sharing an interesting article goes a long way.
  • Give as much as you receive. Relationships are a two-way street. If someone has supported you, think about how you can offer value in return—whether it’s sharing knowledge, making an introduction, or simply offering gratitude.
  • Show up. Whether it’s a monthly coffee date with your mentor or a bi-weekly mastermind with your peers, make these meetings a priority. Consistent engagement is key to maintaining a strong support system.

Know That It’s Okay to Evolve

As you grow in your career and life, your network will naturally evolve. Mentors will come and go, peers will move on, and your needs for support may shift. That’s okay! Don’t be afraid to re-evaluate your network regularly and ask yourself, “Who do I need around me at this stage in my journey?”

In Closing: The Power of a Strong Network

Having a supportive network of mentors, peers, and groups isn’t just a “nice-to-have”—it’s essential. As women, we thrive when we connect with others who lift us up, inspire us, and share in both our successes and struggles.

So, take that first step. Reach out to someone you admire, join a group, or start nurturing the relationships you already have. Building a supportive network takes time, but the rewards—both personal and professional—are immeasurable. Remember, you’re not on this journey alone, and with the right people around you, the possibilities are endless.

Let’s build and grow together!